C'mon Kittens - admit it. Every time you see a car hood adorned with ribbon you hope to catch a glimpse of a bride on her big day as the car sails by. You crane your neck when you see a happy couple having their "candid" photos done on the beach or in the park with their various attendants traipsing along behind them, bouquets in hand.
The most interesting thing I find about weddings is the fashion. Of the guests and bridal party alike. Pick up any of the massive bible-thick tomes dedicated to selling the marriage day dream and you will see interesting interpretations of what to wear on "the biggest day of your life" (well for most, it is only the biggest day so far Kittens, remember that...).
What's in vogue now may not be what our grandmothers wore, but ever since Queen Victoria chose a white gown that was specifically intended to only be worn on her wedding day, Western brides around the world have followed suit.

White silk gown circa 1910

Silk Damask gown circa 1946

Groom Wears RAF uniform, circa 1947 (don't you just love their happy expressions and all the confetti?)

Hand crocheted gown circa 1972 (check out the fab velvet bow tie and white suit on the groom!)
For me, with my adoration of Dior's "New Look", I just love the modern reproductions and interpretations:
The original:

Audrey Hepburn, 1954
The Modern Reproduction:

Dolly Couture "Milan Dress" 2009
All these photos got me thinking.... Did you or would you wear your mother, grandmother or other female relative's gown on your own wedding day? Why or why not? Should the day be a pure reflection of the couple's own style and taste, or is there room for family tradition or sentimentalilty?
I want to know what you think Kittens.
I considered wearing my mother's dress, but my parents were married in the 80's and her dress was definitely a testament to the times! Haha! But sometimes I wish I'd worn a cute little tea length dress like Audrey's there. Maybe for our vow renewal.
I would consider wearing my mom's and my my Grandmother's but they are very different shapes, and have different personal styles.
My Mum got married in the 50s, she was only 17 and borrowed her dress from a cousin!! I'm going to be 37 at my wedding - haven't times really changed! :-)
I would have loved to have worn my Gran's 1940's wedding dress, but her, um, bosom was rather a lot more substantial than mine! So it would have meant a bit of tweaking, and I didn't have the heart to tear into her dress. So in the end I avoided white altogether (never one to follow a trend - even if it was started by Queen Vic) and went for a very 40s Holloywood looking silk dress in a silvery brown. And I Loved It! I still Do love it!! I think that's the important thing - loving the dress and feeling confident in it!
I have to say I would love to wear my grandmother's or Mother's gown, but alter it a little. My dream wedding dress will consist of all lace, and very traditionally cut. Their wedding gowns were made of gorgeous lace from head to toe...
I think, that unless you are an avid collector of museum pieces, altering vintage garments so they fit you to wear is perfectly acceptable.
Although I can understand why people are hesitant to 'tear into' a treasure like a family member's wedding gown. Unfortuantely I outgrew my own mother's dress when I was still in high school (got Dad's height and Mum is tiny!).
I think there should be some traditional things but it really depends on when your parents got married. My parents were married in the 90's and wow, my mum's wedding dress was very lacy,with big leg of mutton sleeves, but luckily it was a rental -sigh of relief-.
My grandmother and nana both got married in the 50s, in china and they wore 'qipaos' and neither of them still have them! I would have loved one.
Anyway, I'm still 15, I have time to think. But I'll want something very classic so I can keep it for my daughter, so she would have the choice of wearing my wedding dress.
Thanks for pointing out Dolly Couture. I had never come across them before. I often get requests for vintage wedding gowns, and now I know where to send people who just can't fit into a true vintage dress.
My mum had a beautiful silk dress but it was just too tight for any of us - when we played dress-ups with it.
So, no go there.
I wore off the rack Laura Ashley which I gave to Vinnies within 5 years. something tells me I will come across it again one day...
My mother was married in 1966 with a long full lace gown and veil. She gave her dress away in 1977 to help raise money for the street party our neighbours held to celebrate our Queens silver jubilee (UK)..... I wasnt old enough to say 'please dont give it away' but how I wish she/I still had her dress today. I have her wedding album. My husbands mother got married in the early 1960's and she wore a two piece suit, she looked like she was going for a job interview!!! LOL! X
I would if it was something that I loved - I think it's a beautiful idea but of course personal taste should be taken into account.
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